Jennifer Garner daughters ben affleck ballet

That's a whole lot of pink tulle for one woman to handle!

Supermom Jennifer Garner looked extremely exhausted as she herded Violet Affleck and a few of her girlfriends to ballet class on Saturday afternoon, while little Seraphina, who's still too young for the class, tugged on her only free arm.

The Arthur star gave birth to baby boy Samuel in February, but she hasn't been able to bounce back to her post-baby 'bod as fast as her fellow A-listers. In fact, Mrs. Ben Affleck has reportedly been re-wearing her maternity clothes as some kind of inspiration to drop the lbs, but it seems to be having the opposite effect. Bonus points for the chic Chanel scarf, though!

Maybe Jen should team up with Hilary Duff and start hitting up those post-baby Pilates classes!