Robin Thicke porsche car accident crash smile singer Robin Thicke car accident singer chateau marmont porsche car poiice police car Robin Thicke car accident singer chateau marmont porsche car poiice police car

After leaving Chateau Marmont in Hollywood, Robin Thicke was involved in a major car accident that totaled his black Porsche convertible.

According to the police report, Thicke said he avoided a car that cut him off on Sunset Blvd., and as a result, swerved into a parked car.

The singer, who was lucky to escape serious injury, videotaped an interview with police following the wreck.

Thicke's car, and the parked Volkswagen, were towed from the scene. Police don't believe the singer was under the influence.

He was given a ride back home by a police cruiser. Check out the video below of Robin arriving to Chateau Marmont ... hours before the crash.