
So that's what the talk show queen's natural 'do looks like!

Oprah Winfrey's hair has been the subject of speculation for years, so the Harpo founder decided to silence the whispers by showing off her natural locks on the September cover of O magazine!

Embracing her hair "in its natural state," the 58-year-old media mogul revealed she almost chopped her tendrils off in favor of a shorter coif, but was advised against it by a famous friend!

"I wanted to wear it close-cropped a la Camille Cosby but her husband, Bill, convinced me otherwise. 'Don't do it,' he said. 'You've got the wrong head shape and you'll disappoint yourself.' I took his advice," she explained of her big styling decision.

The OWN head hauncho insists that a makeover can change everything!

"I even notice a change in my dogs when they get their summer cuts: they're friskier and livelier, feeling more themselves once the weight of the hair is released," she tells the mag.

We agree O!