
Kim Kardashian's 4-month-old kitten Mercy, who was a gift from boyfriend Kanye West, has been put down, the reality starlet confirmed on her blog.

After learning that she was allergic to the cat, Kim gave her to sister Khloe's assistant Sydney Hitchcock in September. When the teacup Persian came down with symptoms of a "cancer-like virus often associated with breeding," Sydney decided to have her euthanized.

"My heart is completely broken," Kim wrote. "I had fallen SO in love with Mercy that I wanted to try everything I could to keep her but I didn't think it was safe to resort to injections, and it wasn't fair on Mercy, because I couldn't play with her or give her as much attention as I wanted to. Mercy deserved a mom who could really give her the time and affection she deserved. I knew that Sydney, Khloé's assistant, who had recently lost a cat she had loved and cared for for 17 years, would be the perfect mom for Mercy and Sydney was so excited to have Mercy as her own!"

"They discovered she had a stomach problem that we weren't aware of," Kim continued. "Poor little Mercy died the very next day. It broke not only my heart that little Mercy died at only four months old, but Sydney's too. Mercy was a gentle and loving kitten and we are all going to miss her so much. Thanks to Sydney for making Mercy's short life one filled with love. RIP Mercy Xo."