It may not sound like the most romantic thing to say, but after listening to Justin Timberlake gush about wife Jessica Biel to Ellen DeGeneres, it's super sweet!

Ellen will host a full hour show with Justin tomorrow, and not only do they chat about married bliss, but he performs “Mirrors” and “Pusher Love Girl” from his new album, The 20/20 Experience.

When asked what his favorite thing about Jessica is, JT replied, "Calling her my husband, no. I don’t know…every once in a while I can catch a glimpse of her when she doesn’t see me looking and I have this moment where I’m like if you never make a good decision…if you only make bad decisions for the rest of your life. You made one really good decision. Because she’s just like … it’s nice to marry your friend. It’s nice to marry your best friend. It suits me."

Awww ... check out a clip from his interview in the video above!