Kanye West Kim Kardashian  reality tv nyc hotel legs pregnant maxi dress sheer

After spending the last 48 hours glued to baby daddy Kanye West's hip, Kim Kardashian stepped out solo in New York City on Wednesday evening in a sexy black maxi dress. Glad to see she FINALLY got it right with her maternity style!

And speaking of her outfits, Kim recently revealed that Kanye gets upset when people critique her fashion choices! At the E! Upfronts the other day Kim told Extra, "[Kanye] also gets so defensive. He'll call and say 'Who's saying mean things?' And I'm just like 'Don't worry about it. I'm so used to it.'"

Kim added, "It's pretty ridiculous. I love fashion. I love experimenting with fashion so for me to try these new things, pregnant or not pregnant, has just been fun for me whether they like it or not. It's funny, people would say 'well take a cue from Kourtney, she looked so good pregnant' so I would borrow her clothes and that's when I would get dogged out the most!"

Noted ... and interestingly enough, since she's been reunited with Kanye in the Big Apple, she's pretty much only worn clingy black clothes and looked better than ever. Seems like she's finally figuring out what works!