EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS - Rob Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Buy Candy At The Gas Station
Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2013 11:00pm PDT By X17 Staff

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart stopped by a gas station for some snacks on Thursday, and the duo picked up Snapple iced tea, a large 40 ounce beverage and a jumbo pack of Jolly Ranchers. So that's what vampires are eating these days!
K. Stew heads to Argentina to shoot Focus in the next few weeks, but maybe Rob will pull a Selena Gomez and fly out to visit her? We're not sure what K. Stew did to win him back, but they've been joined at the hip lately so clearly they're doing better than ever!
Oh, and how is this for cute ... on the way back to their truck Rob made a few funny faces at their dog:

SEE THE GALLERY Rob & Kristen Fuel Up