Gerard Butler Endures Parking Nightmares
Posted on Thu May 2nd, 2013 1:35pm PDT By X17 Staff

Well, he's certainly not a Law Abiding Citizen! Gerard Butler's string of roles as an antihero have apparently inspired the actor to bend the law. Hollywood's perennial bad boy parked in a "no parking" zone earlier today in Beverly Hills. Once he realized his mistake, Gerard moved his black Range Rover to another location ... only to get in trouble again.
After a brief run-in with a parking enforcement official, a tow truck was called to move his SUV. Gerard used his Scottish charm to talk his way out of the situation though, avoiding an embarrassing ordeal. Well, if he was capable of resurrecting a fallen "Olympus," he's certainly able to get out of a ticket. Let's just say it was a bad parking day, all around.
Gerard currently stars in Olympus Has Fallen and is filming How to Train Your Dragon 2.
SEE THE GALLERY Gerard Butler Doesn't Know Where To Park