Kim Kardashian pregnant gym work out kanye west

Girlfriend is getting huge!

On Thursday morning Kim Kardashian worked out at the Tracy Anderson gym in Studio City, and her baby bump is getting so big it's busting out of her clothes! Either that or she left her sweatshirt in the dryer for a little too long...

Kim and baby daddy Kanye West checked out houses in Bel Air last week, and we're not sure where they're settling down, but they better pick a place soon! With Kim due to give birth in the next 6-8 weeks, we'd imagine Yeezy would be staying in Los Angeles for a while, but there are new reports that the rapper will be going on tour this fall.

Kanye will be “launching a worldwide tour this fall,” a source close to the Kardashians tells Radar. “Kim is giving birth in July, and the baby will only be a few months old when Kanye goes out on the road ... Kim is very unhappy that Kanye won’t be around as much because of his work. Even if she flew on a private jet with the baby to see Kanye, it would be impossible for mother and baby to be on the road with him… The baby needs to be on a schedule, and that is hard when crossing time lines.”