X17 EXCLUSIVE - Kristen Stewart Spends Time With Taylor Lautner After Split From Robert Pattinson
Posted on Sat May 18th, 2013 5:44pm PDT By X17 Staff

Twihards everywhere are mourning yet another breakup between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison, but hang on, kids -- it ain't over 'til it's over!
No doubt these two will get back together, but it'll take some time to repair their relationship after their big blowout Monday night on Rob's birthday.
As X17online reported exclusively, Kristen spent the better part of that day on the phone with Rob, arguing, and then crying to her friends. Rob zipped in and out of his house only once that day and it wasn't to see Kristen ... The two haven't seen each other since last weekend and all signs point to a split. And X17 told you first!
But here's the good part ... Kristen's finding comfort in pal and fellow Twilighter, Taylor Lautner. The actor has stayed close to Stewart to help cheer her up.
This isn't the first time she's found solace in her co-star; the two hung out at the batting cages back on March 12 with Rob was in Australia filming and Kirsten was lonely. The week before that, she caught a show with Taylor, taking in pal Marcus Foster's concert at the Troubador.
Is Taylor just Kristen's shoulder to cry on ... or something more?