Kim Kardashian pregnant car shy

Kim Kardashian and a pal went on a frozen yogurt run in Beverly Hills in the reality starlet's Rolls Royce on Friday, and it looks like she's given up on driving!

Kanye West's baby mama rode shotgun, and she could barely get out the door when her friend parked the pricey ride. This isn't the first time Kim has had a hankering for fro yo -- back in April we snapped her grabbing a sweet treat in the valley, and this is just one of her many pregnancy cravings. Though Kim has been trying to keep her diet healthy with grapefruit and veggies with ranch dressing (hmm, at least she's 2 for 3 there), she's indulged in everything from In-N-Out to risotto to fried chicken over the last few months.

So is Kim having a boy or a girl? The baby shower is tomorrow, so we'll find out then!