
Alec Baldwin has vowed never to tweet again. Good riddance ...

After deleting his account on Thursday following a homophobic Twitter tirade, the actor told Vanity Fair he won't return to the social media site. Then again, this is the third time in less than two years he's made this promise so he should never say never.

    I went to Jimmy Gandolfini’s funeral, and when I was there I realized Jimmy Gandolfini didn't have Twitter. Jimmy Gandolfini was so beloved as a person, and he was so admired as an actor, and he didn’t give a f**k about social media."

Not only is it bizarre that he was thinking about tweeting during his friend's funeral service, but it's odd that the event that sparked his Twitter exit in the first place was a Daily Mail misreport that his pregnant wife Hilaria tweeted during Gandolfini's funeral. Alec went on the offensive and harassed reporter George Stark, calling him a "lying little bitch" and a "toxic little queen." Some of his vicious remarks included, "If put my foot up your f**king a**, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much" and "I'm gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f**k…you…up." Baldwin has since apologized for the "ill-advised attack." He said his comments had nothing to do with the reporter's sexual orientation.

Baldwin said social media is "a waste of time" and is merely used by critics to attack him.

    It's just another chink in your armor for people to come and kill you. I stopped and said to myself, I'm going to try where I just don't do this anymore.

And following his infamous threatening voicemail to daughter Ireland (from first wife Kim Basinger) back in 2007, he said he wants his future daughter with Hilaria not to be in the limelight.

    And everyone has seen how certain things have played out with my daughter, which has been very painful — it's been really unpleasant. That has consequences, and I do not want that to happen with my next child. I have one dream in my life and that is that this daughter I'm having — she comes to me about seven or eight years from now, she has a friend, and she's at her house and she says, "Daddy, Susie's mom says you used to be on TV. Daddy, is that true?" She has no knowledge of me as a public person. That would be heaven for me.

Meaning he'd "love to" quit acting if he could "find something else to do." "That would be the greatest thing in the world," he said. Baldwin has discussed leaving show business before, but has never followed through.