Jessica Alba Honest Living book signing heels blazer wave

Jessica Alba smiled on her way in to her book signing on Tuesday night, and the 32-year-old actress tweeted, "Who's coming to @cb2tweets Santa Monica tonight? I'm signing books from 5-7pm! #TheHonestLife."

So what is The Honest Life about? The book documents Jessica’s "personal journey of discovery and reveals her tips for making healthy living fun, real, and stylish, while offering a candid look inside her home and daily life."

"I was sick of being told that 'healthy,' 'safe,' and 'eco' means 'boring,' 'beige,' and 'blah' -- not to mention, crazy expensive and hard to find," Jess writes in the book. Seeing as she has a ton of money and impeccable taste, we're very curious to see what her idea of living on a budget is!