On Wednesday afternoon Kim Kardashian's assistant Laura stopped by Toys 'R Us in Calabasas, and she grabbed a baby bathtub and a giant pink stuffed animal for little miss Nori.

We haven't seen baby daddy Kanye West out and about since last week, but the latest rumor about the rapper is that he proposed to Kim shortly after she gave birth! “As their infant daughter lay sleeping nearby, Kanye offered up his heart to Kim and asked her to be his wife," according to OK Magazine. “Kim and Kanye were talking to the baby when in mid-sentence, Kanye suddenly asked Kim to marry him."

The insider added, “Kanye has a billion dollars – he could have sky-written it across LA., but his sincere approach was one of the most tender and touching moments Kim’s had with him."

Er, then where's the ring? And why haven't we seen anything on Twitter that suggests Kimye are engaged?