Sandra Bullock lumberjack plaid button up denim school sunglasses

On Wednesday Sandra Bullock and her adorable son Louis shared a sweet smooch before she sent him off to summer school ... so cute!

Sandra will be voicing a character in the upcoming animated flick Minions, but aside from that she has no other movie roles lined up, and she recently revealed that she has no plans to star in the sequel to her summer hit, The Heat.

Before The Heat hit theaters, Twentieth Century Fox commissioned screenwriter Katie Dippold to work on a sequel, but at Comic-Con earlier this month, Bullock said probably wouldn't be on board for round two. "I know they say never say never, but right now, I can't imagine it," Bullock told Entertainment Weekly. "I don't want to ruin what Melissa and I had. If a miracle happens where [a script] shows up that really and truly outdid the first and provided an experience that was better than the first one, then I would look at it. But I'm not there." Boo!

We know she's been busy with her little boy, so maybe now she'll have time to date again? We can't remember the last time we saw her with a love interest!