sunglasses Lauren Silverman Simon Cowell  rolls royce private plane pregnant
sunglasses Lauren Silverman Simon Cowell  rolls royce private plane pregnant
sunglasses Lauren Silverman Simon Cowell  rolls royce private plane pregnant

Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman jetting off into the Van Nuys sunset Sunday afternoon, on their way to some luxurious location, no doubt ...

The soon-to-be dad and his girl were joined by another couple -- hey, the more the merrier, right?! In fact, the other guy, oddly enough, looks like a younger, slightly slimmer version of Silverman's ex-hubby Andrew!

Meanwhile, Simon's got nothing on his mind but fatherhood, and you've gotta admit, the knowledge he has a kid on the way has softened up the infamous tough guy. Check out this clip in which we ask him about impending fatherhood ...