Kanye West Kim Kardashian jacket boobs cleavage mercer hotel

They're still keeping Nori covered up, though, unlike Kim's cleavage!

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West left the Mercer hotel with infant daughter North this morning, and despite the chilly East Coast temperatures, the new mom found a way to sex up her ensemble with a super low cut dress.

The duo made headlines earlier today with Yeezy's graphic new music video featuring his fiancee, but clearly they must have wanted a little more attention, so they decided to hit the streets of N.Y.C. with their precious cargo.

Yeezus recently revealed on Ellen why he's so infatuated with his reality star lady love!

"She's an important person that when I was at my lowest moments I could get on the phone with her. She would make me feel like I was here for a reason and I had something to say, and just support me through that. It's incredible to have a woman like that, that you know is not using you for money. I just have to word it like that because once you become like a multi-millionaire there's a certain type of women out there that they go for that, and they'll put on the whole act and everything. But to have someone that's, you know, has their own s**t . . . And her personality is so calming. And I don't know if that's the way people would describe my personality so . . ." he confessed to the talk show host.

They are the most fame hungry family ever and we love it!