Chris Browne Brooklyn Projects exclusive

Chris Brown was granted special permission to leave rehab for a few hours on Sunday to participate in a toy drive on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, and it looks like the 24-year-old singer made this little girl's day! Well, her and dozens of other fans and children in need...

The charity drive was hosted by his clothing line, Black Pyramid and the skateboard company Brooklyn Projects, and it ran from 1pm to 4pm. Chris tweeted afterwards, "Thank you to all the fans who brought gifts for the kids today. Have a wonderful holiday. You've made a merry Christmas for a young child!"

Under the agreement with the facility where he's been staying, Brown was required to return immediately after the event, at which point he would undergo a drug test. The facility gave him just enough time to travel to and from the event, and they made it clear that if he misbehaved at any point during the afternoon (or was a few minutes late when he came back), he would be kicked out of rehab. And seeing as his time in rehab was court-ordered after a judge revoked his probation, you know what that could have meant -- Breezy going back to jail!

Brown's probation was revoked earlier this month by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James R. Brandlin after the singer allegedly assaulted a man in Washington D.C. in October. Brown's probation stems from his 2009 assault on then-girlfriend Rihanna, and clearly the altercation with the man in D.C. was a violation. The judge sentenced Brown to 90 days in rehab for anger management, and he also ordered the R&B star to return to court on February 10 for a progress hearing.