On Saturday Kim Kardashian and Kanye West drove to their massive Bel Air mansion to see how construction was moving along, and it looks like it's still gonna be a while before the can move in to the pad. We're sure mom Kris Jenner is more than happy to have them camping out at the family compound with baby Nori! But there have been multiple times where we've caught Kim and Kanye hanging at his West Hollywood pad, which he's been trying to sell for a few years now.

Kimye bought the $11 million pad back in January, but didn't begin renovations on their new love next until last August. The couple are reportedly expanding the residence from 10,000 square feet to 14,000 square feet, with a gym, a movie theater, a bowling alley, a basketball court, a better pool and a hair and makeup salon.

Wonder when it's going to be done!?