So this is the 18-year-old that Kanye West allegedly assaulted yesterday, but after watching our video, it doesn't seem as though he's taunting Kim Kardashian as much as it was previously reported...

Kim did have an exchange with the kid on Monday afternoon outside of Hill Chiropractic in Beverly Hills, but we don't hear any obscenities or insults to Kim in this clip. After noticing the paparazzi following Kim, young man yells out to her, "They're whack, dude. You have to deal with that everyday?" Perhaps the stream of nasty comments began after the two went inside?

Kim claims the kid used the N-word to describe the photographers on the scene, and when she chastised him for his foul language, he then started to hurl insults at her, calling her a "n****r lover" and a "sl*t." An angry Kim then called Kanye to the scene, and you know the rest ... the rapper confronted the kid, punched him in the face and then fled before cops arrived. Kim had someone pick Kanye up in her Mercedes SUV, and she left in his black Lamborghini shortly thereafter.

The Beverly Hills Police Department confirmed that West was being investigated for a misdemeanor battery, and it's also being reported that they are bringing this incident to the attention of the Los Angeles County District Attorney. As you may remember, the rapper is also facing assault charges from another incident over the summer in which he assaulted a photographer at Los Angeles International Airport.