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Kanye West is back from Paris, and what better way to spend his day than bonding with the two loves of his life?

Kanye, fiance Kim Kardashian and their adorable daughter North shopped for home goods at Bulthaup in West Hollywood, and it may be a while before the trio can move into their massive Bel Air home, but at least their appliances are going to be top of the line!

Kim showed off her impressive post-baby bod in a white henley and skinny jeans, and while this look is on the casual side (well, for her!), we actually caught Kanye checking out her infamous derriere as the two loaded up their car. He just loooooves her curves!

It's still not clear whether the rapper has chatted with police investigating his involvement in an assault against an 18-year-old boy last week. Yeezy left the scene of the alleged crime before cops had a chance to talk with him, and Kim seemingly helped him slip out of the medical office where the incident took place...