Kanye West Turns Himself In To Police For Battery Charges, Released After Just 49 Minutes
Posted on Fri Mar 28th, 2014 9:59am PDT By X17 Staff
Kanye West turned himself in to police yesterday for booking in connection with his misdemeanor battery case, which stems from his assault on a photographer at Los Angeles International Airport last summer.
Yeezy arrived at the Hollywood LAPD station at 4:30pm on Thursday to have his mug shot and fingerprints taken, and he was released 49 minutes later.
Earlier this month the rapper struck a plea deal, and he was given 24 months probation, ordered to complete 240 hours of community service and ordered to complete 24 sessions of a level-two anger management program.
There is a progress report hearing set for July 17, 2014 (this will cover the anger management and restitution) and at that point the judge will also be signing off on a community service program. Kanye's progress report on community service is set for September 17, at which point the judge said he expects to see a "real number of hours" completed.
In case you need a refresher, check out our video of the assault below...