
New quotes and photos have been released from Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's headline-grabbing Vogue cover, and we're beginning to wonder if the joke is on the reality star. You see, the images of the couple with baby North West are lovely, but the responses Kim gives the reporter make her seem a bit superficial and self-absorbed. And that's putting it mildly...

On her idol, Elizabeth Taylor:
    “Everything seemed so selfless for her. We talked about the jewelry and how it ultimately didn’t belong to her; she just wanted to help people. [Her house] was just so enchanting, with a garden with really pretty trellises and beautiful roses, but it wasn’t realistic for me to purchase. It only had a one-car garage.”

On how she spends time with daughter North West:
    “I take pictures of her all the time and dress her up. I put Kanye’s big chains around her, and I put a little Louis bag and some Jordans, and I was like, ‘What up, Daddy?’”

On her mom Kris Jenner:
    “[She] would always wear really tight [clothes]—she was into Vicky Tiel, Moschino, or Chanel—with huge Moschino heart earrings. She had an amazing body and was always so in shape. One time Kourtney and I sat in my mom’s closet—we must’ve been eight or nine—and we were like, ‘If Mom dies, we’re going to write down who gets what.’ We went through every last piece of her wardrobe. We were so mean then!”

And we're not the only ones who had a negative reaction to the Kimye Vogue cover! Sarah Michelle Gellar posted a snippy yet awesome tweet about it, and a whopping 80% of our readers think that the couple has "no business" being on the cover of the fashion glossy. Still, any press is good press, right? Even if it makes Kim look like about as bright as the matte black Mercedes SUV she drives...

Click thru for another shot of the couple in the mag!