
He's definitely not a Belieber!

Jon Hamm covers the May 2014 issue of Men's Fitness, and the Mad Men star didn't have the nicest things to say about our beloved Justin Bieber!

    "Look at Bieber or whoever. You're like, 'What the f**k, man? What are you doing? Why?' There's no one telling those people no, and it's a shame," he sniped to the mag.

The TV actor didn't stop there, though!

    "[He should have] a mom or a dad or a really good friend who can say, 'Hey, s**thead!'" he added.

So what does Don Draper think is wrong with our youth?

    "You see people in the world and you're like, 'Do you know how a washing machine works? Do you know how to wash a dish? Life skills are something we’re missing… just s**t you needed to learn in life. There used to be a class that kids had to take in high school called home economics, which was cooking and sewing and just s**t you needed to learn in life," he griped.

It's a good thing he doesn't have kids, because he sounds like he doesn't have a ton of patience!