Kim Kardashian bug butt reality tv kanye west big butt maria's Italian Cuisine

She gives new meaning to shedding for the wedding!

Kim Kardashian donned a light pink bodysuit to grab lunch at Maria's Italian Kitchen in Calabasas with her maternal grandmother Mary Jo today, and considering she's reportedly on a super strict diet until her May 24 Parisian nuptials to Kanye West, we doubt she indulged in spagetti and meatballs!

Apparently the reality star is in "extreme diet mode" to lose those last five pesky pregnancy pounds, and she is relying on the protein-heavy Atkins regime to do the trick!

"She doesn't really drink, but she likes a glass of red wine with dinner and coffee in the morning but her Atkins mania won't allow her those anymore. She won't even have a sip," a source told OK! magazine.

She better be careful not to get too skinny, because if she loses that famous booty nobody is going to care about her anymore!