Kim Kardashian has been all about the white dresses lately -- she's seriously got wedding bells on the brain!

On Thursday night Kim joined the rest of her family at Cecconi's to celebrate pal Scott Cunha's birthday and shoot their reality show, and on the way in X17 photographers asked Kim whether she was going to postpone her wedding to Kanye West next month. Kim had no comment, but it doesn't look like everything is going according to plan, so we expect some sort of announcement in the next few weeks with an update about the couples nuptials.

You see, Kimye may have to reschedule their May 24 wedding in Paris as French law requires at least one of them to reside in the country for a minimum of 40 days before a civil ceremony can be conducted.

Seeing as everyone who keeps up with the Kardashians knows that neither of the two actually live in France, that's going to be pretty hard to fudge! Unless mama Kris plans on sending Kanye across the pond this week ... which is actually a pretty strong possibility. Where is Kanye right now anyway?