
Obviously it's just a shadow from the windshield, but how very Captain Morgan of her!

On Thursday Kim and Kourtney Kardashian cruised around Calabasas in Kim's black Rolls Royce, and the reality TV starlet wasn't exactly a happy camper. Maybe she's missing fiance Kanye West, who jetted off to Europe the same day she came home to Los Angeles from New York City? Or perhaps she's still frazzled about their prenup, which despite her spending FOUR HOURS at her attorney's office last week, still hasn't been inked?

Apparently Kimye aren't squabbling about the details of the agreement, but given that he recently switched management and the two of them have a bazillion different business ventures, it's taking an unusually long time to sign off on the paperwork.

Kimye will have their lavish wedding ceremony on May 24 in Paris, but the couple still need to sign a marriage license here in the states if they want their union to be recognized when they get back from France. Of course, they can't do that until the prenup is done, so if they're waiting until next week to do all of this, they're pretty much down to the wire!