Gwyneth Paltrow Claims Water Has Feelings In Latest Bizarre Goop Post
Posted on Wed Jun 4th, 2014 11:10am PDT By X17 Staff
Oh Gwynnie!
Gwyneth Paltrow never fails to drum up controversy when she expresses her opinions, and her latest claim is bound to have people scratching their heads and wondering where she comes up with this stuff!
The actress took to her website Goop to explain how negative thoughts impact every aspect of one's existence, as evidenced from the work of Messages From Water author Masuru Emoto.
"I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter. I have long had Dr. Emoto's coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it," she wrote on her lifestyle blog.
Maybe the blonde beauty is trying to focus on the positive in hopes of a reunion with estranged husband Chris Martin?