Kris Jenner  kardashian kanye west reality Kim Kardashian and Jonathan Cheban dress canes
Kris Jenner  kardashian kanye west reality Kim Kardashian and Jonathan Cheban dress canes Spread Pictures

After Kanye West stated that he can't be with another woman because no one turns him on as much as Kim Kardashian, the reality starlet has sat down for an equally mushy interview about her rapper hubby.

Kim, who stepped out in a sexy white Balmain dress on Wednesday in Cannes, chatted with The Daily Mail about how she can Kanye plan on keeping the spark alive in their marriage.n

When asked about losing that magic, Kim doesn't seem too concerned, but maybe her third marriage will be the charm? She tells the site:
    "I feel as though we’ll always be in the honeymoon period. We always say we really like to treat each other like it’s our birthday. I try to treat him like it’s his birthday every single day. I think we’ll always be like that. We always try to make life as fun and enjoyable as possible. We do travel, and work really hard, when we’re together – and even when we’re apart, we’re always on the phone 24/7 – just trying to make that time as memorable as possible."

Sounds like a good strategy! So what does Kanye do to sweep his curvaceous wifey off her feet? "He seems to be able to get to surprise me and that’s hard to do," she said. "The fact that he can surprise me is really good."

And surprise her he did when he somehow convinced Andre Bocelli to perform at their wedding at Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy last month. Kim reflected on the moment and said:
    "Having Andrea Bocelli sing at our wedding as I’m walking down the aisle. I didn’t even know it was really him. It was so Kanye to have him there. I should have expected that. I got up the altar and didn’t even see him standing there. And I turned around when my sisters were helping me fix my veil, and I did a double-take –- I thought it was a CD of him singing. He sounded so amazing. And it was really him. I was blown away."