Kiefer Sutherland landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday evening, and though he initially appeared to be in a good mood, he quickly pulled a 180 and struck a fan who got a little too close for comfort!

The 47-year-old actor quickly defended himself and said he only lashed out because the man hit him first (with a poster...), but the autograph seeker wasn't ready to give up! The man approached Kiefer again when he was walking to his car, and the Lost Boys star softened up and finally signed his photo, along with those of a half dozen other fans.

Kiefer ignored questions about his wild night out over the weekend in London (apparently he got so hammered he had to be carried to his hotel by two men), but he did tell our X17 videographer that fans have nothing to worry about. Sure, he seemed fine here, but one of the paps does make an excellent point: What's a guy with FOUR DUIs doing drinking like that?