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And as usual, Kim slipped into a skintight dress and heels ... she may not be as comfortable as Khloe, but even if you can't deal with her, you have to admit she looks pretty hot!

On Monday evening Khloe, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian went to the movies with mom Kris Jenner, and Kim tweeted, "OMG I had to take the whole family to go see The Fault In Our Stars ... This movie OMG it's literally my new Notebook ... I brought my own box of tissues."

Over the weekend Kim saw the movie for the first time by herself and tweeted, "Just saw The Fault in Our Stars... one of the most precious love stories I've seen ... so sad."

Sounds like she's a little emotional with the absence of hubby Kanye West! "I miss him so much! #TourLife #HurryHome," she wrote alongside a throwback pic of the newlyweds on Instagram on Monday morning. We have a feeling everyone's fav couple will be reunited soon enough...