David Beckham And Britney Spears Accept Their Ice Bucket Challenges
Posted on Tue Aug 19th, 2014 12:30pm PDT By X17 Staff
David Beckham (and his abs) are so hardcore that he traded a bucket of ice water in for a barrel of ice water when he did his very own ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!
Nominated by Ryan Seacrest, Becks accepted the challenge with vim and vigor as three of his buddies poured a barrel of water on the shirtless hunk. The icy endeavor is part of a worldwide viral campaign to raise money to fund a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or Motor Neurone Disease.
After the waterfall, the hunky soccer stud called out heavyweights Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and Leonardo DiCaprio. Umm not gonna lie -- we really want to see Leo's Ice Bucket Challenge!
But Victoria's main man isn't the only one getting doused -- Britney Spears, who was challenged by sister Jamie Lynn, also accepted her ALS call to action. And boy does BritBrit look cooooold! But at least it's for a good cause! Along with the vid, the "Womanizer" singer wrote, "I accept the #ALSIceBucketChallenge @JamieLynnSpears & I nominate Adam Sandler! #BreakTheIce #SoCold #OMG."