After her snippy comment about Taylor Swift (well, allegedly snippy comment), Katy Perry's claws are definitely out this week, and she looks totally fierce in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar. We're still not sure whose side we're on, but based on their competing magazine spreads, we think Katy has T. Swizzle beat by a few points...

Katy doesn't mention her drama with Taylor, but she does open up about her love life and how she tries not to let rumors bug her. After becoming single yet again earlier this year, Perry says she started seeing "an oracle of a therapist" and tells the mag:
    "What I’ve learned is that if you don’t have the foundation of self-love first, you really have nowhere to pull love from to give it away. I had to learn about taking care of myself before I could take care of others. I want to mommy everyone. I want to take care of them. I want to save them, and I forget myself in the meantime. I learned that through therapy."

So what about new love interests? "Well, I’m not really on the street,” she says. “It’s usually just through friends of friends. We have a lot of dinner parties. I’m definitely not on Tinder, even though I joke about it. Sometimes I feel like a sense of humor does not translate into print.”

As far how she's changed, Katy proclaims:
    "I’m heading into my 30s I have less time for bullsh*t. I look for the same characteristics: a sense of humor—someone who makes me laugh off the charts— someone who is sensitive, someone who loves and understands music, and who is really smart. A lot of times I’ve ended up with people who have been intimidated by me, unfortunately. They say they’re not, but it comes out in the long run. They’re threatened, or there’s resentment because they don’t know how to handle it."

As she gets older, Perry gives “less of a sh*t," and on the nasty things she sees online, she says:
    “When I do these interviews, a lot of these clips people pull out are like, ‘Katy Perry doesn’t want a man to have babies. I’m like, ‘I didn’t say that. I just said, I’m good.’ Why am I a baby machine? Why can’t I be a mogul? I want to have a baby, sure, but I want to have a career. I want to have a record label. I want to have an incredible tour. So I’m going to have all of those things. Let’s talk about that. It’s like, get out of my ovaries, okay? I’ll do it in time.”

And speaking of nasty stuff on the web, we still wanna know whose side you're on in the Swift/Perry squabble! Cast your vote below and let us know...