Wow! With all his media experience, decades on TV, thousands and thousands of interviews over the year and Bill Cosby still messed it up with an Associated Press reporter put the actor on the spot and asked about accusations of sexual assault. You've GOT to watch this video ...

Cosby, 77, sat next to his wife Camille, set to speak about an art exhibit earlier this month, in Washington, D.C., when the reporter sprung a question on him that he didn't expect. He responded, "No, no, we don't answer that." The reporter kept pushing and Cosby insisted he wouldn't answer, but offering this explanation: "There is no comment about that and I'll tell you why. I think you were told, I don't want to compromise your integrity, but I don't talk about it."

But it's what he said when the cameras stopped rolling that will surprise you ... the veteran actor/comedian pressed the reporter, begging him not to include his comments about recent (and past) rape accusations in the edit: "Now can I get something from you. That none of that will be shown?" The reporter, clearly caught off-guard, said, You didn't say anything. Cosby: "I know I didn’t say anything, but I'm asking your integrity that since I didn't want to say anything, but I did answer you in terms of I didn't want to say anything, what value would it have? I would appreciate it if it was scuttled. I think if you want to consider yourself to be serious, that it will not appear anywhere."

Well it did appear -- the AP decided to release the outtakes in light of recent accusations by 14 other woman who claim Cosby raped them.