Wow …

Bill Cosby should probably just craw into a cave and not come out. The disgraced star seemed to think it was okay to joke about the rape allegations when he did a show last night. Umm yeah -- definitely not okay.

The National Post is reporting that a scene erupted last night when the 77-year-old took to the stage in London, Ontario. During his set, a woman in the audience got up to exit. When the entertainer asked her where she was going, the woman explained she grabbing a drink and asked if Cosby wanted one.

Cosby reportedly replied, "I already have one." And then added, "You have to be careful about drinking around me."

Yeah … NO. We really don't like it when accused rapists poke fun at the fact that many women have reported that the former Cosby Show star drugged their drinks -- and it doesn't sound like some members of audience liked it much either.

Cosby was heckled by one male who yelled, "We don't love you Bill!" The man, who was screaming "You are a rapist. I'm being ejected because you are a rapist," was escorted from the Budweiser Gardens venue.

Also really, people? Who is still paying money to see Bill Cosby? As always -- we blame Canada.

And while the rape claims don't seem to faze him, it should be no surprise that the disturbance doesn't seem to either.

Cosby released a statement about the incident which brushed off the events: "Dear Fans: One outburst but over 2600 loyal, patient and courageous fans enjoyed the most wonderful medicine that exist for human-kind. Laughter. I thank you, the theatre staff (Budweiser Gardens), the event organizers and the London, ON Community for your continued honor and support. I'm Far From Finished."

Whatever you say Cos … As far as you are concerned, you're dunzo in our book.