Scruffy And Sexy Rob Pattinson Dodges Questions About His Love Life
Posted on Tue Feb 17th, 2015 9:56am PDT By X17 Staff

Rob Pattinson landed at Los Angeles International Airport on Monday night, and the British hunk wasn't exactly in a chatty mood, but he didn't pull a Leonardo DiCaprio and cover his face. Hey, we'll take what we can get!
As Rob was making his way through the terminal, a male fan ambushed the star with a cell phone snap, hence Rob's somewhat annoyed/somewhat bemused face in the shot above. Rob pushed his own luggage cart out the door, and he didn't answer a stream of questions from photogs about his love life, including one pap who called him Rob Patterson and asked when he was getting married. C'mon guys! Rob Patterson is the guitarist for KoRn -- everyone knows that!
R Pattz chatted with Reuters at the Berlin Film Festival premiere of Life, and he opened up about his new flick, but he also discussed Twilight's connection to Fifty Shades of Grey, which blew up the box office this weekend. When asked if it's strange that Christian Grey's character was inspired by his performance as Edward Cullen in Twilight, the 28-year-old actor replied, "It's kind of weird and also I've known Jamie for about 10 years. I haven't actually read the book but I think it must be very, very different. I don't see how it can work if it's not different. It's amazing; it's that fan base. There's some kind of profound connection that a bunch of people have to it and I've never figured out quite what it is."
SEE THE GALLERY Rob Pattinson Jets In To Los Angeles