It doesn't seem like Bill Cosby gets that he's currently the most hated man in Hollywood. The disgraced funnyman posted a totally bizarro video to promote his upcoming stand up show. From the fake phone call, to the silk jammies -- it's 50 shades of weird.

In the odd vid, "Yes, I am going to be in Wheeling, West Virginia. The Capitol Music Hall. 8 o'clock show, that's right. And you know I'll be hilarious. Can't wait ..."

For the record, more than 30 women have alleged that Cosby raped them. Despite these very serious claims, Cosby has not stopped his recent comedy tour and has been using the tagline, "far from finished."

Along with the 10-second head scratcher, Cosby wrote, "Dear Fans: I hope you enjoy my wonderful video message that's filled with laughter. Hey, hey, hey, I'm far from finished."

"Laughter"?! -- more like confusion as to why he would think this is funny.

Bill seems completely disconnected from the reality of his situation. Also, nice silk jammies!