David Beckham Shows Off His Perfect Physique At Spin Class
Posted on Thu Apr 2nd, 2015 1:20pm PDT By X17 Staff

Victoria Beckham is one lucky lady!
On Thursday afternoon we caught David Beckham heading to a juice bar after spin class at SoulCycle, and he usually wears t-shirts or longsleeves, but today the tatted guns were out. Hot damn!
When he's not busting his sexy buns on a bike or embarrassing his oldest son on TV, he's apparently pissing off his neighbors in the UK!
The Beckhams are reportedly planning on adding air conditioning as part of a $7.4 million renovation to their $46.5 million London home (dubbed Beckingham Palace II), and while that seems like a great idea to us, locals are trying to put a halt to the construction.
One neighbor filed a complaint with the local council and noted that the plans will "affect the historic character of the Victorian house of the streets, my house included." Posh and Becks submitted their application in February, and they'll hear back within the next few weeks. Yikes!
SEE THE GALLERY David Beckham Is Super Sexy After Soul Cycle