Gwyneth Paltrow Fails $29 Food Stamp Challenge After Just Four Days
Posted on Fri Apr 17th, 2015 10:55am PDT By X17 Staff

Last week, the GOOP-tastic replaced her high-priced diet with $29 worth of food when she participated in the #FoodBankNYCChallenge. While mother of two, who was prompted by friend Mario Batali, accepted the challenge eat on a SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) budget of $29 a week -- she broke the challenge in just four days when she ate chicken, veggies and -- candy.
In a Goop post, the entitled actress wrote, "As I suspected, we only made it through about four days, when I personally broke and had some chicken and fresh vegetables (and in full transparency, half a bag of black licorice)."
The blonde added, "My perspective has been forever altered by how difficult it was to eat wholesome, nutritious food on that budget, even for just a few days—a challenge that 47 million Americans face every day, week, and year."
Umm yeah -- your "perspective has been forever altered"?! Hey Gwynnie, we'd buy that if you hadn't bought ingredients that looked suitable for a Mexican-themed dinner party amongst friends and if you hadn't posted dreamy, perfectly plated photos of the meals she "made" with her family during the challenge, that featured recipes that anyone on a SNAP budget would unlikely make -- aka a dish which featured brown rice, kale, and roasted sweet potato sauté.Â
Hey Gwnnie, do you know what people on SNAP are buying? Ramen, frozen chicken, pasta, fast food -- things that your precious lips, gluten-free lips wouldn't touch. Try eating a diet of that and talking about it -- not super healthy, fancy fare that can only last you four (we highly doubt she even went that long).
While the star did shed some light on the main point -- having healthy diet on $29 is basically impossible -- she could have at least tried to eat a bit more like people who MUST be on that budge and can't cheat/break it/give up actually eat.
We appreciate that her Instagram post did raise awareness about the challenge which is an attempt to keep congress from slashing food benefits -- but maybe she didn't need to be so ridiculous about it? But we guess that's why we love to hate her.
The Oscar winner added to her Goop post, "After trying to complete this challenge...I would give myself a C-." We'd like to correct her: Uhh after FAILING to complete this challenge -- we'd give you an F.