Getty Images for Darin Pfeiffer

What else are Friends for?

Courteney Cox attended the premiere of Just Before I Go on Monday in Los Angeles, and while it doesn't seem like a huge deal, keep in mind this is her first stab at directing a feature-length film! Not only did she have the support of BFF Jennifer Aniston, but her fiancee Johnny McDaid was there, along with ex-husband David Arquette!

When asked about her attachment to the project, the 50-year-old actress told Us Weekly, "I seldom read something that makes me laugh out loud and makes me cry, and that's what this film did for me. I understood the characters — there are some ignorant characters, there are some enlightened characters — but what you learn is that we all have struggles and troubles. I just wanted to tell a story about real people and that's what it was."

Court previously directed a handful of episodes of her hit show Cougartown, but aside from a few short films she hasn't dabbled much with directing. Just Before I Go is about a man who travels back to his hometown to make amends before he gives up on life, and it stars Seann William Scott, Kate Walsh and Evan Ross, among others. Interesting!

Jen wore a basic black outfit and glasses, and while her fiance Justin Theroux was nowhere to be seen, she appeared to be in a great (and goofy!) mood. We love that the ladies are besties after all these years!