Kim Kardashian and Kanye West visited with Bruce Jenner Thursday afternoon for an hour and a half, as cameras rolled, taping either Keeping Up With the Kardashians or his/her upcoming reality show about the former Olympian's transition to female.

The power couple arrived at Bruce's hilltop Malibu home around noon, with a couple white TV crew vans following.

Kim gained support from Bruce fans when she emerged as her step-dad's strongest supporter. The bodacious babe says it was her hubby Kanye, however, who turned her around and helped her understand Jenner's plight. He told her, "Look, I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am. I can have the most beautiful little daughter in the world, and I have that. But I’m nothing if I can’t be me. If I can’t be true to myself, they don’t mean anything." Jenner says since then, Kim has been "by far, the most accepting, and the easiest to talk to about it [his gender transition]."

Oh, to be a fly on the wall (or a reality TV crew member) in that house today! Can't wait to see the footage!