We guess if we were in the Kardashian klan and our lips weren't the size of life preservers, we'd feel self conscious about our small smackers too ... but this news is just sad to us.

Kim Kardashian told Access Hollywood that her 17-year-old sister, Kylie Jenner, got lip fillers because the teen has always been insecure about her lips.

Umm there's nothing wrong with the way her mouth used to look! It was just a normal mouth on a teenaged girl! We guess when everyone else in your family has lip fillers, abnormally big lips look normal to you -- but we can assure Kylie that nothing about the Kardashian girls' pouts look normal to the rest of the world.

Kim also told Billy Bush that now that Kylie's gotten the controversial procedure her confidence has really been boosted.

Wow ... just ... wow.

Maybe Kylie and her nipped-and-tucked family could work on help affirming who she is on the inside instead of blindly supporting the teen's decision to get her totally normal-looking lips filled? If she 17 years old -- she still needed her mother's consent to get fillers -- which means Kris Jenner approved this shocking move!

In the interview, the 34-year-old reality star also said that while she supports Kylie's decision, she thinks it has to stop there. Kim said, "I think there are limits and boundaries for sure and I think you have to know the difference. She did something that made her feel better about herself and that's where you kind of have to draw the line."

We have a feeling this is only the beginning for Kylie's beauty enhancements ...

But really how can we expect Kylie to be any better than this when the newest clip from next week's Keeping Up with the Kardashians features her sisters bickering about who's more famous.

Needless to say, we think Kylie's been doomed to a life of extreme vanity since the womb.