Tsk tsk!

Kim Kardashian drove to Malibu on Thursday afternoon to visit with stepdad-turned-stepmom Caitlyn Jenner, and after drooling over her brand new Range Rover, we noticed that the pregnant reality TV starlet was texting and driving! Careful Kimmy K -- wouldn't want you to crash that brand new whip! Think that's an early push present from hubby Kanye West?

We're not sure what Kim and Caitlyn gabbed about, but earlier in the day Kim tweeted that she was shooting makeup tutorials, which will be on her website later this summer. She wrote, "When I was 14 my dad took me to a make up class with a professional make up artist & I fell in love with glam ever since!" We know she's referring to her biological father Robert, but perhaps she can share some of this wisdom with Cait? That would be a clip we'd watch!

In other news, it was reported earlier this week that Kimye are expecting a baby boy, but shortly after the news hit the web, the starlet tweeted, "so many rumors...we are not having twins, yes I am carrying my own baby lol & we have not told anyone the sex of our baby yet! nothing is confirmed unless you hear it from me!" Hey, that's not a denial though!