Miley Cyrus Slams Taylor Swift For Revenge Violence In "Bad Blood" Video
Posted on Sun Aug 9th, 2015 8:42am PDT By X17 Staff

Miley Cyrus is out for blood!
Okay, maybe not. But slamming your competitor in the media is just asking for it. Miley tells Marie Claire she's not sure why people criticize her for running around topless, when the perfect pop princess Taylor Swift is a gun-toting revenge-seeker in her "Bad Blood" video: "I don’t get the violence revenge thing. That’s supposed to be a good example? And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with my titties out? I’m not sure how titties are worse than guns."
In the clip, Swift seeks revenge on a former friend, played by Selena Gomez. The star-studded video has Swift street fighting stalking her enemies which Cyrus thinks sets a bad example.
But it's not just TayTay's video that's bothering her, it's the public's double standards. She tells MC: "There is so much sexism, ageism, you name it. Kendrick Lamar [Swift's collaborator on "Bad Blood"] sings about LSD and he’s cool. I do it and I’m a druggie whore."
But she says she doesn't stress about how the public perceives her anymore. The upcoming MTV VMA host says, she just puts the truth out there: "There’s nothing left to catch me doing. You want to hack my e-mail so you can find my nude pictures? I’ll just f——g put them up."

Is Miley's critique of Taylor's "Bad Blood" video justified?
Miley's right - the video sets a bad example. | |
Miley needs to chill - it's just entertainment. |