Tell us how you really feel, Kimmy K!

Kim Kardashian is just months away from giving birth to her second child, and for the reality star, that due date could not come any sooner! The brunette bombshell just wrote a new post titled "From the Desk Of: How I Really Feel About Being Pregnant" on her website, and it's basically all about how much she loathes having a bun in the oven. That's nice of a mother to admit... NOT!

"I'm gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! LOL! I don't enjoy one moment of it and I don't understand people who enjoy it," she begins.

"Maybe it's the swelling, the backaches or just the complete mindf**k of how your body expands and nothing fits. I just always feel like I'm not in my own skin," she confesses. Hey Kim, you're bring a life into this world, your bod should be the last thing on your mind!

Kanye West's wifey then goes on to lift the lid on all the things that happen after you pop. "People just don't tell you all of the gross things that happen during pregnancy or after. Do you know you basically have to wear a diaper for two months afterwards?! LOL! No one told me that! #SoSexy," she jokes.

At the tail end of this moronic missive, the E! starlet makes sure to praise being a mom so people don't think she's completely self-absorbed.

"Really, it is all SO worth it when you have your precious baby in the end! So for all my complaining, it's 100 percent worth it and more!!!" she concludes.

She should probably just keep it to herself!