Taylor Swift Denies Her Hit "Bad Blood" Is About Nemesis Katy Perry In New GQ Interview
Posted on Thu Oct 15th, 2015 9:45am PDT By X17 Staff

T-Swizzle's setting the record straight!
Taylor Swift in the cover girl of the latest issue of GQ magazine, and the singer took the opportunity to clear up those Katy Perry feud rumors, insisting "Bad Blood" wasn't specifically about her alleged pop star nemesis.
"You’re in a[n] interview, and the writer says, ‘Who is that song about? That sounds like a really intense moment from your life.’ And you sit there, and you know you’re on good terms with your ex-boyfriend, and you don’t want him—or his family—to think you’re firing shots at him. So you say, ‘That was about losing a friend.’ And that’s basically all you say. But then people cryptically tweet about what you meant. I never said anything that would point a finger in the specific direction of one specific person, and I can sleep at night knowing that. I knew the song would be assigned to a person, and the easiest mark was someone who I didn’t want to be labeled with this song. It was not a song about heartbreak. It was about the loss of friendship," she explained of her hotly speculated about hit.
Don't call Tay Tay "calculating" though!
"I’ve never named names, so I feel like I still have a sense of power over what people say—even if that isn’t true, and even if I don’t have any power over what people say about me. The fact that I’ve never confirmed who those songs are about makes me feel like there is still one card I’m holding. Am I shooting from the hip? Would any of this have happened if I was? … You can be successful for three or four years. Accidents happen. But careers take hard work," she sniped about accusations she carely crafts her image.
The Grammy winner went on to discuss how she believes she's found the key to a last career in the music industry. “When other kids were watching normal shows, I’d watch Behind the Music. And I would see these bands that were doing so well, and I’d wonder what went wrong… And what I established in my brain was that a lack of self-awareness was always the downfall… So self-awareness has been such a huge part of what I try to achieve on a daily basis. It’s less about reputation management and strategy and vanity than it is about trying desperately to preserve self-awareness, since that seems to be the first thing to go out the door when people find success," she revealed.
Lastly, she touched on the media's portrayal of her as a boy crazy psycho who can't hold on to a relationship, and how she gets inspiration for her lyrics from it. "You take your creative license and create things that are larger than life. You can write things like 'I get drunk on jealousy but you’ll come back each time you leave, ‘cause darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream.' That is not my approach to relationships. But is it cool to write the narrative of a girl who’s crazy but seductive but glamorous but nuts but manipulative? That was the character I felt the media had written for me, and for a long time I felt hurt by it. I took it personally. But as time went by, I realized it was kind of hilarious," she confessed.
Sounds like she's shakin' everything off lately!