We are wondering how Chris Martin is feeling this morning? Probably a little embarrassed. If we were him we'd probably avoid the Internet.

After Chris Martin and the lads of Coldplay performed in last night's Super Bowl half-time show, the mocking memes quickly flew onto the Internet.

It appears as thought the world wide web thought Martin looked out of his element with powerhouse performers Beyonce and Bruno Mars.

Sorry Chris we don't want to see you crooning and jumping around awkwardly -- we just want to see Bey and Bruno dancing their asses off.

The online response to Chris' performance was mostly negative ones, saying that the Brit couldn't keep up with notable entertainers.

It sounds like his daughter Apple saw the writing on the wall. In a pre-Super Bowl interview with CBS News, Chris said he was talking to his 11-year-old daughter about being nervous about performing in front of a projected 110 million person audience. Chris explained, "[Apple] said, 'How are you feeling about the Super Bowl?' I said, 'Of course we’re a little bit nervous'"

The 38-year-old then said, "She said to me, 'Dad, the worst that could happen is that you’ll get turned into a meme … And after a month or so people will just forget!'"

Looks like Apple called it!