Kanye West? More like Kanye Worst. Make the rants stop, please! Even though one is sort of on point...

West took to his Twitter account with yet another tirade about things he dislikes, and this time it was the high cost of education:

    "I have a friend who works really hard and makes $370 dollars a day … Her son just got in a really good school and his textbooks are like $400 dollars each," West tweeted. "I mean, his mom has to work 2 days just to afford 1 book for her son she’s giving everything she has to make sure her son has a better future. Education puts Americans into debt before they even get a chance to get started … We have to lower the price of textbooks. I'd rather teachers got paid more and books cost less … #2020."

After Taylor Swift slammed Kanye in her Grammy's acceptance speech, you'd think he would have stopped, but he didn't. Yeezy previously tweeted that he's $53 million in debt and that "white publications" shouldn't write about black music. While wife Kim Kardashian hasn't commented on her hubby's crazy tweets, Kanye's co-writer Rhymefest quit last month and tweeted that the rapper needed counseling.