Perhaps 17-year-old Jaden Smith was phoning his famous parents asking for more spending money? Sure, Jaden is an "actor," but when Will Smith is your dad and you haven't had a big screen role since 2013, the cash has to come from somewhere, right?

Jaden was totally glued to his giant iPhone on Tuesday when he stopped by the Commons in Calabasas, and he made a number of unpleasant faces as he babbled away to whoever was on the other line. We're doubting it was lady love, Sarah Snyder, who Jaden was spotted snuggling with over breakfast last week.

While Jaden hasn't made the news for anything too interesting lately, New York Magazine recently compiled a list of the teen's most ridiculous quotes in their hilarious article titled "The Gospel of Jaden Smith."

Our fav? When Jaden said, "I’m a really big influence on anybody that I’m around. It’s hard for me to explain because it’s so normal to me. It’s like ­asking, 'So, Jaden, how do you breathe?" It's like something Justin Bieber or Kanye West could almost get away with saying -- but Jaden? LOL.