Report: Madonna And Guy Ritchie Will Sit Down Face-To-Face To Hammer Out Custody Of Son Rocco
Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2016 8:45am PDT By X17 Staff

This doesn't sound like the best idea, but maybe it will be better than what they've been doing!
Madonna and ex-husband Guy Ritchie will come face-to-face to figure out custody of their son Rocco, Us Weekly reports. The singer wants their 15-year-old present for the conversation, and is hoping to keep it as peaceful as possible. "There will be no lawyers," a source dished to the mag.
It doesn't sound like Rocco is going to go with Madge without a fight, though. "Rocco feels that she is more concerned with proving Guy wrong than with what he wants," the source added.
The music legend is eager to get this over with, but the British director doesn't seem to be in any rush to finalize plans for this supposed peace summit. "Madonna is pushing to resolve things, but Guy recently disappeared to the Maldives with Rocco. He isn’t resolving anything now," an insider noted.
The former couple have been at odds since December 2015, when Rocco left Madonna's Rebel Heart world tour and decided he wanted to live with his father in London. The judge threw the book at them earlier this month, urging them to find an "amicable solution" for the sake of their child and his remaining childhood years.
"I renew, one final time, my plea for both parents to seek and to find an amicable resolution to the dispute between them. As I observed during the course of the hearing, summer does not last forever. The boy very quickly becomes the man. It would be a very great tragedy for Rocco if any more of the previous and fast receding days of his childhood were to be taken up by this dispute," London-based Justice MacDonald said.
What a mess!